Staff Eustar
Staff Eustar

Dear all,
Please go and watch the videos of the London investigators meeting held on 21 & 22 July 2023.

DAY 1 Friday 21 July 2023 :

1. Welcome (EUSTAR BOARD President Francesco Del Galdo (FDG), VicePresident Marie-Elise Truchetet (MET) & Treasurer Madelon Vonk (MV)
2. WSF AG to deliver collaborative projects & dispense grants to EUSTAR (Marco Matucci-Cerinic/FDG)
3. PAES study importance (Margarida Alves, Boehringer Ingelheim)
4. PAES protocol overview (MV)
5. Medidata platform overview (Medidata/3DS)
6. New eCRF (MET)
7. Medidata training live (we recommend undertaking the elearning onto their platform when logged in the Medidata database, check their videos library)

DAY 2 Saturday 22 July 2023 :

1. Website interface & new EUSTAR tablets (Tania Santiago)
2. Clinical projects and PAES (MH)
3. Live inclusion of patient data Q & A Troubleshooting database (Maria-Grazia Lazzaroni & Corrado Campochiaro)
4. CRO overview & planning (Keyrus) – missing-
5. Closure (EUSTAR board) – missing –
6. Lunch & departure – missing-