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Board Members

The election of the new Eustar board took place at the last business meeting during the 2022 EULAR congress in Copenhagen. In agreement with WSF and according to the principles of gender equality, the board will be referred to as Execute Office and the extended board as “EUSTAR board”. The positions of the chairman will be referred to as President and the position of the executive secretary will be referred to as Vice-President.

Prof. Francesco Del Galdo


Prof. Marie Elise Truchetet


Prof. Madelon Vonk


Dr. Corrado Campochiaro


Dr. Michael Hughes


Dr. Maria Grazia Lazzaroni


Dr. Tânia Santiago


EUSTAR Structure


The president will chair the meetings. The president presents an annual report during the EULAR congress and reports once a year to the World Scleroderma Foundation. The president will be responsible to assure the data entry in the data base and will supervise the exploitation of the data base. The President is responsible for communication with the Third Parties and is the official representative of the WSF. In his/her absence will be represented by the vice-president.


The Vice-President will assist the President in all his activities and will act on his behalf when requested. The Vice-President will co-chair the meetings. The vice-president is responsible for communication with the principal investigators of the different Eustar centres. The vice-president will assist the president in the supervision of the data base and will present the annual report to the Counsellors and the general council at the EULAR congress. Should the president be unable to complete his/her term of office, the vice-president will succeed to his office.


The treasurer supervises all money, property and assets of EUSTAR. The treasurer is responsible to keep accurate books of accounts of all EUSTAR transactions and these books will be audited at the end of each year. The Audit Function shall consist of two auditors to examine the accounts. A written report of their findings will be submitted to the EULAR annual congress to the General Assembly. In the event of Treasurer being unable to complete his/her term of office, the board of counsellors will appoint a successor to hold office until the next meeting.


They will second, help and advise the officers in the management of EUSTAR. Counsellors will record the minutes of the proceedings of board meetings.


Is formed by EUSTAR centers. Every center affiliated becomes EUSTAR member when it has been registered and confirmed by the Vice-President and when it has recorded at least one patient case in the database. Every center has the duty to develop the EUSTAR network in his country and raise awareness about scleroderma from the political to the social and scientific part.
General assembly will meet every year during the EULAR congress.
Every center may present to EUSTAR a request concerning the exploitation of the data base for research: a project should be submitted to EUSTAR with the specific request and explanation how the data will be used including authorship.
For any other issue to be voted and decided by the general assembly, every center member has right to one vote.


Officers are elected by the general council for a term of 3 years, with option for another 3 years renewal at another position. All executive decisions should be unanimous among the 3 officers and approved by the board of counsellors.

EUSTAR for 2019-2022:
• Chairman: Oliver Distler
• Secretary: Anna-Maria Hoffmann-Vold
• Treasurer: Armando Gabrielli
• Councellors: Madelon Vonk, Francesco Del Gado, Cosimo Bruni, Alexandra Balbir Gourman

EUSTAR for 2016-2019:
• Chairman: Yannick Allanore
• Secretary: Otylia Kowal-Bielecka
• Treasurer: Oliver Distler
• Councellors: Duska Martinoivc, Alexandra Balbir Gurman, Armando Gabrielli, Nikolas Hunzelmann

EUSTAR Structure

Should the chairman be unable to complete his/her term of office, the executive secretary will succeed to his office; The chairman will chair the meetings and in his/her absence will be represented by the secretary; The chairman presents an annual report during the EULAR congress and reports once a year to the World Scleroderma Foundation The chairman will be responsible to assure the data entry in the data base and will supervise the exploitation of the data base. The secretary and the treasurer will assist the chairman in the supervision of the data base and will present the annual report to the Counsellors and the general council at the EULAR congress.

The Vice-President will assist the chairman in all his activities and will act on his behalf when requested; the Vice-President will record the minutes of the proceedings of the meetings.

The treasurer supervises all money and other property and assets of EUSTAR; In any questions of doubt or in cases of large expenditures (over 10.000 Euros) the treasurer must consult the board of counsellors; The treasurer is responsible to keep accurate books of accounts of all EUSTAR transactions and these books will be audited at the end of each year. The Audit Function shall consist of two auditors to examine the accounts. A written report of their findings will be submitted to the to EULAR annual congress to the General Assembly; In the event of Treasurer being unable to complete his/her term of office, the board of counsellors will appoint a successor to hold office until the next meeting.
They will second, help and advise the officers in the management of EUSTAR.

Is formed by centers affiliated to EUSTAR; every center affiliated becomes EUSTAR member when it has recorded partient cases in the database

Every center has the duty to develop the EUSTAR network in his country and raise awareness about scleroderma from the political to the social and scientific part;

General assembly will meet every year during the EULAR congress;

Every center may present to EUSTAR a request concerning the exploitation of the data base for a research: a project should be submitted to EUSTAR with the specific request and explanation how the data will be used including authorship;

In case of disagreement among components of the board of counsellors, the issue will be submitted to the general assembly;

During the council the yearly meeting will be decided.

For any other issue to be voted and decided by the general assembly, every center member has right to one vote.

During the 2016 Annual EULAR congress in London, the delegates have voted to structure the group as follows: chairman, secretary, treasurer, board of counsellors, general assembly.

Officers are elected by the general council for a term of 3 years, with option for another 3 years renewal. All executive decisions should be unanimous among the 3 officers and approved by the board of councilors. The delegates have elected the following members of the executive office of EUSTAR for 2016-2019:
• Chairman: Yannick Allanore
• Secretary: Otylia Kowal-Bielecka
• Treasurer: Oliver Distler
• Councellors: Duska Martinoivc, Alexandra Balbir Gurman, Armando Gabrielli, Nikolas Hunzelmann