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EUropean Scleroderma Trials And Research group

EUSTAR actively encourages and supports the development and conducting of clinical and basic science research in systemic sclerosis

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Who we are

The European Scleroderma Trials and Research group (EUSTAR) aims to foster the awareness, understanding and research on systemic sclerosis and its management throughout Europe and the rest of the world.

EUSTAR is an international scleroderma research network acting under the umbrella of the World Scleroderma Foundation. The EUSTAR group was launched in 2004 and was initially supported by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR).

The aim is to coordinate and focus research activities, in order to improve treatment, quality of life and prognosis of patients with scleroderma.

The main research tool is a multicenter online database that allows following prospectively more than 23,000 patients with scleroderma in more than 200 International centres. Each patient’s annually scheduled visit for medical purposes is recorded providing longitudinal observational data. Any contributing centre can submit a research project and get access to the whole database for the specific approved project.


The main research tool of EUSTAR is our bespoke multi-centre database, that currently contains 23,000+ patients with systemic sclerosis from across the world.


Affiliation to EUSTAR is open to all centers devoted to the care and study of SSc. Requirement for center affiliation is the capacity to care for SSc patients according to the EUSTAR regulations.


EUSTAR actively encourages and supports the development and conducting of clinical and basic science research. Centres can submit a research project and get access to the whole EUSTAR database for the specific approved project.


The EUSTAR educational course on systemic sclerosis in place and online course. The EULAR On-line consists of 10 modules which deal with physiopathology, clinical aspects, and management of this complex disease.