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EUSTAR Visiting Fellowship

Advancing the next generation of Systemic Sclerosis experts


Our mission

The European Scleroderma Trials and Research group (EUSTAR) is an international network of over 200 scleroderma centres, dedicated to advancing research and improving the treatment, quality of life, and prognosis of patients worldwide. Led by an elected Board of experts, EUSTAR has been at the forefront of systemic sclerosis (SSc) research since 2004.

At the heart of our research efforts is a comprehensive multicentre database, housing data from 25,000+ SSc patients across 250+ EUSTAR centres. This resource provides invaluable longitudinal observational data, enabling groundbreaking research.


About the Fellowship programme

The EUSTAR Fellowship Programme supports early-career clinicians and researchers by offering the opportunity to train at a leading domestic or international EUSTAR centre (See our list of EUSTAR member institutions).

Fellows will gain hands-on experience, mentorship from senior SSc experts, and exposure to clinical and research activities.

This initiative helps fellows develop expertise, build professional networks, and contribute to SSc research—potentially even leading to the establishment of new EUSTAR centres. Up to 15 fellowships will be awarded.


What the Fellowship involves

Fellowships typically last up to 12 weeks, depending on needs and aspirations, and the availability of the mentor(s) and resources of the host institution. Extensions are possible in special circumstances (please specify these in your application).


  • Attend clinics, ward rounds, and participate in research activities at a EUSTAR member institution.
  • Collaborate with senior mentors to develop skills in SSc management and research.
  • Focus on either clinical practice or research, tailored to individual career goals.
  • Maintain contact with their mentor for one year for ongoing guidance.


Fellowships must be completed within one year of the award date.

*Fellows will need to seek additional travel grants from EUSTAR if planning to attend conferences, as these costs are not included in the fellowship funding.

How to apply?

Applicants can either approach a mentor at a EUSTAR member institution or request a list of suggested mentors/centres by emailing

Applications require submission of the following documents:

  • A personal statement of up to 500 words, outlining how the fellowship will support career development in clinical care and/or research.
  • A short CV (Maximum 3 pages)
  • A supporting letter from the current supervisor.
  • A supporting letter from the proposed mentor at the host EUSTAR institution.


Application timeframe

Applications will open on 10 February 2025 and close on 31 March 2025.


Who can apply?

Everybody from a EUSTAR member centre or EUSTAR affiliated centre are eligible to apply, and eligibility will be assessed based on the nature of the application.


What costs are covered?

The fellowship will include:

  • A stipend of €300 EUR per week.
  • Reimbursement for travel, to and from the host centre (standard class upon receipt).
  • Host sites will receive a €1000 EUR stipend (administration, visa).

Amendments to the above in cases of special circumstances will be considered, however please specify these in your application.

Money will be paid at the end of the fellowship.


Questions and Applications

Please send completed applications or questions to Cecile Bremont at